UvA Pride vrijdag 6 juni: Drag Queens & Drinks

uvapridezwartVrijdag 6 juni vindt de laatste UvA-Pride lezing en borrel voor de zomer plaats: Drag Queens & Drinks. De lezing bij CREA begint om 16.00 uur, de aansluitende borrel om 17.00 uur. De voertaal in Engels. UvA Pride Lecture: Transformations and Exaggerations. Drag Queens and the Construction of Gender by Martijn Crowe. Followed by drinks. On Friday 6 June, UvA Pride will have the last lecture and drinks of the academic year. This month’s lecture will be about the drag queen culture, given by Martijn Crowe. Crowe will give a presentation of his latest art project ‘The Botticelli Remake‘ in de Lellebel on Sunday 8 June (bron: persbericht).

‘If there is at least one gay in a town, there will be a gay bar. If there is a gay bar, there will be a drag queen entertaining there’, says Martijn Crowe. There is a tight relation between drag queens and the environments they are a part of – but what is this relation? How do drag queens contribute to the world, and what benefit does society give back to the drag queens? Martijn asks questions about the production of the phenomenon of Drag Queens. As all gender expressions, Drag Queens are social constructions. But what is behind this construction? To what question is the Drag Queen a response?

Martijn Crowe is a writer, photographer, painter, anthropologist and expert in human communication. His projects are with young people (Doing Dreams), homeless people, elderly, drag queens and independent art. Together with his wife Sabya, and their children, they travel the world to produce stories, photography and art, especially of groups that are invisible in this world. Recently, Martijn, along with the The Faketory, has finished a crowdfunding campaign for the making of book Drag Queens of the world, an artistic and anthropological worldwide research about the phenomenon of Drag Queens.

 UvA Pride Lecture: Transformations and Exaggerations. Drag Queens and the Construction of Gender by Martijn Crowe

Date: Friday 6 June, Timer: 16.00-17.00

Place: CREA, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, Amsterdam

Entrance: free for UvA students, employees and alumni, 5 euro for others


UvA Pride borrel (last of the season!)

Date: Friday 6 June, Time: 17.00-19.00

Place: CREA Café, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, Amsterdam

Entrance: free

Lees ook:Martijn Crowe presenteert Botticelli in de Lellebel
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