Queer Talk in de OBA Amsterdam, woensdag 22 juni

IMG_20160505_145030Woensdag 22 juni vindt in samenwerking met IHLIA en het Mosse Fonds de volgende editie van Queer Talk plaats, in de Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam (OBA), op de zesde verdieping bij IHLIS, van 17.30 tot 19.00 uur. De toegang is gratis. de  voertaal is Engels: QueerTalk #2 Trans*Tapes:  Broadening the narrative of what it means to be trans* (bron: aankondiging).

Last few years several stories of trans*people were brought to the attention of the general public. Sharing stories and gaining insight in the lives of trans*people is important for gaining knowledge and could potentially empower trans*people. But what if a trans*person does not feel represented by the offered narrative? This was the case for Bart Peters, Jonah Lamers en Chris Rijksen. They took action to make trans*people’s voice heard and created the Trans*Tapes.

The Trans*Tapes is a series of six short portraits about transgender people in the Netherlands. While many narratives dealing with the topic ‘transgender’ tend to turn transgender people into subjects instead of humans, the Trans*Tapes focuses on strength, positivity and human resilience. The series broadens the narrative and reveals a more layered image of what it can mean to be transgender. In this second edition of QueerTalk, the audience will get the chance to see and hear more about the project.

Lees ook:Audrey Mbugua uit Kenia special guest op TranScreen Film Festival
Lees ook:Friday’s floorfillers: Village People’s – Y.M.C.A.
Lees ook:Queer Talks 3: Club Church, woensdag 14 december in de OBA
Lees ook:Transgender Film Festival Londen
Lees ook:Book Project – Queer African Refugees in Netherlands

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