Get a Kink! – BDSM 101 workshop for queers

amsterdamgaypride-logo2013[1]In het kader van de Amsterdam Gay Pride wordt er een workshop georganiseerd: ‘Get a Kink! – BDSM 101 workshop for queers ‘, vrijdag 1 augustus van 15.00 tot 19.00 uur, mede mogelijk gemaakt door Stichting Ondersteboven. De locatie wordt na registratie bekendgemaakt.  Reserveren kan via [email protected] toegang kost 1 euro en de voertaal is Engels.

Interested in sexualizing powerplay, exploring the borders of of sensation, hurting the ones you love and loving the ones who hurt you (with consent, of course!), but finding it a bit difficult to navigate the scene in a way that feels authentic to your queer desires, your genderfuckery, or your politics? Then this playshop is for you. Gala Vanting presents BDSM, kink, and fetish in a queer context, stepping outside some of more heteronormative conventions of mainstream kink culture and creating our own spaces for radical, transformative play where gender and orientation can be queered or jettisoned altogether.

This workshop will combine discussion and exercises, and participants are encouraged to work within their comfort level in experimenting with kink fun. No previous experience with BDSM play necessary. Melbourne-based Gala Vanting is an award-winning erotic film producer, sex worker, educator, pleasure activist, and erotic imaginist. She draws from a diverse background in the sexuality field and brings a conscious queer feminist approach to her work. Central to all of this is the core value of intimacy and the democratization of sexy. To find out more about her work visit and

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