Mose-lezing over Gay-Straight Alliances

download (4)Woensdag 11 maart vindt in de Doelenzaal in de Universiteitsbibliotheek van de UvA aan de Singel 425 in Amsterdam een Mosse-lezing plaats over Gay-Straight Alliances, van 17.30 tot 17.00 uur. De toegang is gratis. De voertaal is Engels. Moose lecture: Alliances between gays and straights as national policy (bron: persbericht).

Since 2007, the Dutch government has financed national Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA’s): collaborations between lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organisations on the one hand, and mainstream organisations on the other. The minister of education invited several organisations to form these GSA’s. Goal: to stimulate social acceptance of sexual diversity in important ‘living domains’ of society, such as the workplace, neighborhood, care and sports through the alliances. The Verwey-Jonker Institute and the University of Amterdam evaluated the policy, and the most important results will be presented in this lecture. What is the logic behind this approach, and does this lead to concrete results that are different than existing policy to enhance LGBT acceptance? About the speakers:

Marian van der Klein is senior researcher at the Verwey-Jonker Institute. She holds a Phd from the University of Amsterdam and published, among other things, on GLBT-issues in the workplace, gay-straight alliances and is currently preparing a research project on coming out strategies of bicultural LGBT’s. Laurens Buijs is social scientist at the University of Amsterdam and other institutes. He has worked, among other things, on a study about the motives of perpetrators of antigay violence, and processes of coming out of Dutch gay youth.

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