UvA Pride lezing: Sissy Men en macho’s

Iedere eerste vrijdag van de maand organiseert UvA Pride, de roze organisatie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) een lezing en aansluitend een borrel. Vrijdag 2 november 2012 is de eerstvolgende lezing om 16.00 uur in de Theaterzaal van Crea (Nieuwe Achtergracht 170), de aansluitende borrel vanaf 17.00 uur in het Crea Café. De lezing Sissy Men and the Masculine man in the Mirror wordt gegeven door Carlos Alvarez, een recente graduate bij het Gender, Sexuality & Society Program van de UvA en is in het Engels:

How do gay men deal with effeminacy? In my lecture I will look at gay men’s perception of gender through the analysis of data from my thesis on the behaviour of gay men in public spaces in Costa Rica. I discuss three subthemes: the influence of their family before and after the coming out process, the possibilities of enacting non-conforming gender behaviour in groups of gay friends, and the way in which gay men embrace manhood through the rejection of effeminacy. I will discuss individual experiences and backgrounds of my respondents, as well as the context of LGBT emancipation in Costa Rica.


My results show that the rejection of effeminacy promotes discrimination among and against gay men. Strikingly, the respondents rejected effeminacy, even despite most of them displaying effeminate behaviour themselves. In my presentation, I will reflect upon this paradoxical situation. Carlos Alvarez finished his Bachelor’s degree in Geography at the University of Costa Rica. He is a recent graduate from the Master’s Gender, Sexuality, and Society at the University of Amsterdam and has been involved with Movimiento Diversidad in the presentation of the same sex civil partnership proposals before the Costa Rican congress. He also helped organize the III Central American Meeting for Sexual Diversity.

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