Wordt Europa verscheurd door seksuele diversiteit?

IMG_20160522_141747Wordt Europa uit elkaar gereten door seksuele diversiteit? Het tolerante West-Europa versus het homofobe Oost-Europa? Dat is het thema van de maandelijkse Mosse-lezing op woensdag 19 juni in het Bushuis aan de Kloveniersburgwal 48 in Amsterdam, van 16.00t tot 18.00 uur in de VOC-Room. De voertaal is Egels: Is Sexual Diversity Dividing Europe?


This month has seen the publication of two immensely important sociological reports on the situation of LGBT people in Europe. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published the results of the most comprehensive, largest-ever survey on the experiences of LGBTs in the EU and Croatia. And the Netherlands Institute of Social Research (SCP) published an in-depth analysis of previous surveys on the attitudes of European citizens to homosexuality — exploring and explaining developments and differences between countries. At the invitation of the Mosse Foundation and ARC-GS, experts from these authoritative research institutions, Dennis van der Veur (FRA) and Lisette Kuyper (SCP), will briefly present the key findings and discuss the implications for activism and government policy.

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