Summer school in Den Haag en Amsterdam: Sexual Orientitation & Gender Identity in International Law

@Erik Feenstra

@Erik Feenstra

Van 1 tot en met 5 augustus vindt op de Leiden University Campus in Den Haag een summer school plaats over seksuele oriëntatie en gender identiteit versus internationaal recht. Het tweede deel van het programma vindt plaats in Amsterdam, waardoor deelnemers deel kunnen nemen aan evenementen tijdens EuroPride 2016. De voertaal is Engels (bron: persbericht).

The summer school Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in International Law: Progress, Consolidation, Stagnation will focus on the emergence of SOGI issues in human rights law, international criminal law, and refugee law. It features speakers from international organisations (including UNHCR), NGOs (including Jessica Stern from OutRight Action International), and academics from some seven countries (including professor Stephen Whittle, expert on trans law). Several speakers will talk about their involvement in key test-cases that achieved some international protection against homophobia and transphobia. The coordinator of this summer school is Kees Waaldijk (professor of comparative sexual orientation law at Leiden Law School).

This one week summer school (1-5 August 2016) is aimed at legal and other professionals as well as at advanced students, and is organized by the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University’s campus in The Hague. The second half of the programme will take place in Amsterdam, where participants will have a chance to take part in some events of Amsterdam Gay Pride & EuroPride 2016 (including parts of the conference Proud in Europe?). More information at: Applications can be sent to [email protected] (deadline is 1 June 2016).

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