2 ARC-GS Events on September 15: Nice to Meet You and Opening Event lecture by CJ Pascoe

IMG_9101Vrijdag 15 september vindt in de Muziekzaal van CREA, Nieuwe Achtergracht 170, van 14.15 tot 15.15 uur de lezing ‘Nice to meet you, an Introduction to gender and sexuality at the FMG’ plaats. Aansluitend is van 15.30 tot 17.00 uur het officiële openingsevenement van het Centre for Gender and Sexualitiy: ‘The Gender of Trumpism, Masculinity, Politics and the American Presidency’ by C.J. Pascoe.Aansluitend is er een borrel. De voertaal is Engels.  

How are gender-neutral toilets, headscarf debates, working mothers, lipstick lesbians, sexual intimidation at festivals, Trump, underrepresentation of women in political leadership, Gay Pride, and more, interrelated, or not?

Nice to meet you: we are professors focusing on gender & sexuality at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (in the departments of anthropology, GPIO, political science and sociology), and we will present you with short pitches that show why gender & sexuality is not only interesting, relevant and important to understand our society, other cultures, and ourselves, but also why it is one of the most inspiring themes in the social sciences. The lecture is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. For more information visit: www.arcgs.uva.nl

The rise of Trumpism exemplifies a contest over masculinity, over who qualifies as a “real man.” This contest is being waged not only by some obvious actors – President Trump, his supporters and representatives; it is a contest also waged by those who oppose the current administration and are perhaps actively working against the perpetuation of gender inequality. The themes deployed by Trumpists and anti-Trumpists alike address a core component of masculinity in the global west – dominance. This talk explores the way in which multiple vectors of inequality – race, nation, class, sexuality and gender – converge in this masculinized competition with global ramifications.

About the lecturer: CJ Pascoe is Associate Professor of Sociology and the David M. and Nancy L. Petrone Faculty Scholar at the University of Oregon where she teaches courses on sexuality, masculinity, social psychology, and gender. Her current research focuses on masculinity, youth, homophobia, sexuality and new media. Her book, Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School, documents the relationship between homophobic harassment, heterosexism and masculinity in high school. In it CJ suggests ways we might begin to redefine gender norms that are damaging to both boys and girls. The event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. For more information visit: www.arcgs.uva.nl

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